Monday, December 31, 2007
The New Year
Building a new set of speakers should be fairly simple since I can work on this in bits and pieces around the house. Now I just need a few new tools...
Biking will be a little tougher since it involves more time away from the house, but Kerry won't mind, will you honey?
Well, it's almost 10:00 on New Year's Eve, so I gotta run. It's bedtime, you know.
Vacation in California
Kerry's brother Jason and niece Ashley both have guitar hero (well Jason has Rock Band but it is basically the same thing). I've gotten to play several times now and its a blast. I'm stuck somewhere between easy and medium difficulties.
Most days we wake up and hang around the house in the morning. The kids each have a bike, Caden has a tricycle which he still can't ride. Madison is doing fine without her training wheels, Collin still needs help starting.We also picked up Collin a scooter. But the big hit again this year is the skateboards. Evan Caden can do this on his own.
In the afternoons we sometimes venture out to the mall or one group (either the girls or the boys) will go see a movie. Yesterday Rick, Jason and I went to see I Am Legend. It was not quite what I expected, but I still thought it was pretty good.
The other day we went to Lisa's house. Madison, Collin, and Kerry spent the night. They had a grand time playing with Ashley and all of their (Ashley and Jake) toys. We went to a nieghborhood park later in the afternoon. Dad and Caden headed back to Kerry's parents late that evening.
Caden has had a runny nose for several days now and is starting to cough more. His breathing is also wheezy, so we may take him to a doctor today just to be safe.
I've basically finished Collin's workbench, but he barely plays with it. He enjoyed the cordless drill most of all, and the hammer. A few screws, nails, and a soft wood board kept him busy for quite some time.
Even though we are having fun I'm starting to get restless for home.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Christmas in California
Tuesday morning we woke up and the kids opened presents from us as well as their gifts from Santa. Madison was the first up at 7:15, so we were able to sleep in some.
After opening presents we took a taxi to the airport. DFW had set up a kids play area right next to our gate - how convenient. That kept the kids occupied until we boarded the plane. Kerry and I took turns wrestling with Caden. The middle part of the flight was pretty rough because he just wouldn't sit still. But we managed to get him setup with his belt buckle (he loves buckles and zippers) and that kept him occupied for about 45 minutes. He finally fell asleep a few minutes prior to landing.
We had a large crew for Christmas dinner. The kids all sat together. Caden wasn't going to be left out and refused to sit with the adults, so he sat with the kids and did quite well.
Madison and Collin really enjoy the California weather. They are riding their bikes, and learning how to balance on a skateboard. The kids are already adjusted to the time change and sleeping well, so mommy and daddy are happy.
Collin really misses the workbench he got from Santa, so I am putting together a real workbench including some nuts, bolts, clamps, and a block of wood for nailing. Stay tuned for pictures.
Christmas in Oklahoma
We always spend the days leading up to Christmas Eve with my family. We wound up opening presents in several settings, starting Friday night when we arrived because the kids couldn't wait, especially Madison because she already knew she was getting an American girl doll.
My brother got the kids dress up clothes, which they loved. Except for Caden, who got a hulk hogan stuffed animal.
The kids also got to play in some snow. We stayed until Christms Eve, then drove back to Texas so we could fly out on Christmas day to California.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Christmas Pictures
Sunday, December 16, 2007
The Helicopter
This year one of the vendors we do a lot of business with sent several of us remote controlled helicopters. Well Collin fell in love with these last year, and is getting the hang of flying these quirky little styrofoam units. He wants to do this immediately after he wakes up, and right before bed. Madison likes to fly it as well, and they do a great job of taking turns. Both kids can fly it up and down with relatively good control. Turning is a bit harder, especially since the balance of the helicopter is off.
The only mishap we have had is when Madison let it get too close to hear head and we ended up with rotors full of hair. It took almost an hour with a knife and tweezers to clean it up, but it still works good.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Neighborhood Christmas Party
Tonight was our neighborhood Christmas party at our house. We had 10-12 families show up, so there were people everywhere. Kerry cleaned the house up real nice, and with the soft lighting you couldn't see the day to day wear and tear.
The kids were everywhere but eventually migrated upstairs. They did flips and were jumping from every conceivable object (bed, dresser, etc) until we finally put the hammer down.
Santa and Mrs Claus came by towards the end. All the kids got their turns. Madison complained all evening about not wanting to see Santa, but she was near the front of the line once he arrived. She really liked sitting and talking with Mrs Claus. Collin had a grand time, and Caden even warmed up to Santa near the end.
Overall damage to the house was minimal. We really enjoyed having all of our friends over.
More pictures can be seen here:
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
Sleep in Heavenly Peace
No this is not about the Christmas song. This is about us finally getting a full night of sleep. For the past few months Caden has been waking up one or more times a night fussing, crying, etc. He is quick to go back to sleep (except that some of the time he never wakes up during his little outbursts). And on the rare occasion that he doesn't wake us up, well, Madison and Collin take turns on those nights.
So a few days ago, Friday night I believe, it was like a switch went off and Caden never woke up. Collin did get up at 6:00, but at least he laid in bed with us for a few hours. And now all the kids are sleeping in to about 7:30. Wow. I can't remember the last time I got to stay in bed til 7:30 (except after working all night at a jobsite).
So during this Holiday Season, we are thankful for our heavenly sleep.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Family Pictures
So we went on Wed to meet the photographer, who was a no show. I'm pretty easy going so it wasn't too big of a deal for me, but I didn't have to get three kids dressed and looking their best. Kerry took it well though.
We ended up getting our pictures on Friday afternoon (I had to take off early from work - darn). It was just starting to get colder and darker, and the kids didn't hold up real well. Caden almost refused to smile, which may have been a blessing in disguise. Madison has a flair for the dramatic, head tilt with the huge cheesy smile. Occasionally you get a beautiful picture, more often than not you don't. But we did get some decent pictures.
Now we get a free sitting in Spring for our troubles, so all is well. And Kerry is happy, so I'm happy.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
way to go Caden
Monday, November 26, 2007
Up With The Tree
We got back from Oklahoma and Madison started in immediately on decorating the Christmas Tree. She was so excited. So we unpacked as fast as we could and pulled out the Christmas boxes. It is so nice having a fake tree (we've had one for the past two years).
Madison and Collin helped hang the ornaments and did an admiral job all things considered. After getting over the initial frustration of having kids help hang delicate little objects, it was really nice.
So here's to the start of the Christmas Season.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Three Little Monkeys Flipping off the Bed
Madison and Collin go crazy. And Caden hates to be left out...
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Thanksgiving with the Family
Tomorrow we may brave the stores just so we can get out. We're also hoping to see the cousins again so they can play together. Saturday I'm going to the OU/OSU football game. Should be cold. And loud. And fun.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Christmas Came Early
Tonight we went through our usual routine. Caden got in the bath. Collin got in the bath. Madison got in the shower. Madison got out of the shower. Collin decided to move from the bath to the shower. Caden got lonely, so he moved from the bath to the shower. Collin got out of the shower. Caden really likes playing in the shower and didn't want to get out. I tried several times, but he just didn't want to get out. So I let him stay in.
I went to get Caden a diaper. Kerry was upstairs getting pajamas. I walked into the bathroom and there it was. Caden had left us a stinky little present on the bathmat. And on the floor. And on the bottom of his foot.
Back in the bath went Caden. Out came the resolve.
Caden's pretty sharp though. He had this look to him like he tried to tell us he needed to go, and was ashamed of going on the floor, but couldn't hold it in any longer. He watches Madison and Collin go potty, and just recently has started trying to lift the lid up like he wants to go himself. We may be pretty close. Stay tuned for more updates.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Monday, November 12, 2007
Another Typical Day
Wake up several times before 6:00. Pray that the kids won't wake up, then fall back to sleep.
Get up around 6:30. Collin comes down. He takes a bath, I take a shower.
Go up and get Madison. She doesn't want to wake up, so I carry her downstairs.
Fix breakfast. Caden is sleeping in, but he wakes up before we leave.
Head out to work. Fight traffic for 45min - 1hour. Flip back and forth between ESPN Radio (Mike & Mike in the Morning) and KISS FM (Kid Craddick in the morning).
Get to work. Start preparing for today's meeting. I don't actually do any work, I just attend meetings and conference calls. Meet with teams on several projects. Try to get with Craig to review the presentation for the 1:00 meeting. Finally meet with Craig at 12:00. Make changes from 12:00 to 12:40.
Run out the door at 12:40. Stop at Jimmy Johns for lunch. Run in. Run Out. Eat on the way to the meeting. Kerry calls while I am trying to eat my sandwich, shift my manual transmission , and talk to Craig and George about our meeting. Needless to say the conversation was very short. Arrive at 1:00, just in time.
Meeting should last about 1-1/2 hours, 2 hours tops. We leave the Church at 4:45 (3 hours, 45 minutes later).
Check e-mail on Blackberry. About 30 new e-mails. 1 Missed call from Kerry. Call Kerry back but she doesn't answer. Fight traffic on tollway to get back to the office.
Check my phone and realize Kerry tried calling again, but I forgot to take my phone off silent. Call Kerry back but she doesn't answer.
Back in the office I have one task - print a drawing package. Should take about 15 minutes. 45 minutes later I've got the drawings printed and posted to the architects FTP site. Time to head for home.
Fight traffic for 35 minutes. The tollway is now open to within a mile of my house, so the commute home is much faster (although more expensive).
Eat dinner. Collin wants 2 pieces of Texas Toast like everyone else, but won't listen when we tell him he doesn't like Texas Toast and never eats it. We reach a tentative compromise after heated negotiations.
Kerry is worried about Caden because he is breathing funny. She can't decide whether or not to take him to Acute Kids. I explain that she won't be happy until she knows for sure if he is getting Pneumonia, so she might as well go. Kerry leaves with Caden. Madison, Collin and I play for 30 minutes. Mostly they want me to hold them upside down, but I insist they color to calm themselves down.
No baths tonight. Kids don't stink too bad. Up to bed we go. Collin is tired and goes down after a short book. Madison wants Mommy to put her to bed. Reasoning is pointless (she already has that female trait down). I leave. She cries (softly, more of a whimper actually). I give in and she comes downstairs to wait for Mommy.
Kerry comes back home. Caden is fine. We put the two to bed and settle down on the couch. Kerry watches The Bachelor. I am not a reality TV fan, and I need to get some work done, so I spend about 1-1/2 hours on my laptop. By the way, my Toshiba tablet runs very cool so my legs aren't even burning hot.
It's now 10:45 and I should get ready for bed. Tomorrow is another day of conference calls and meetings.
Friday, November 9, 2007
The interface is simple and clean. The site is free, but you do have to put up with adds. Guess they have to pay the bills somehow.
Gotta run. It's late and Madison finally coughed so much she threw-up in her bed. And in her hair. And all over her clothes. Yuk.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
google analytics
Now if I could only think of something interesting to write, I might actually generate some traffic.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Sunday Afternoon Bike Ride
We didn't realize it but the bike route was a gravel dirt road. No problem. Madison took off with her friend Madelyn. Madison doesn't use training wheels at all anymore. Collin had his on for part of the ride.
The weather was great, the path was shaded, and we were doing great until Collin started to get tired. Then his pedal kept coming unscrewed. I finally had to return to the car for some tools. When I caught back up with everyone we took Collin's training wheels off. That made his ride a little easier, and gave him a spurt of energy that didn't last very long. Soon we decided that Collin and I (and Caden, in a seat on the back of my bike) would turn around and head slowly back.
Collin and I walked for a while. Then put his training wheels back on, and rode slowly back. I pushed him with one hand while we rode along for a while and that seemed to help him get some energy back into his legs.
I was very proud of Madison. She rode the whole time and didn't seem too tired. Sometimes she doesn't have as much energy as Collin, but she outrode him today.
After the ride we headed to a local mexican food restaurant with Mark and family. It was the perfect night - we had the patio to ourselves and the temperature was just right. There is a playground across a little bridge that the kids played at (except Caden).
Everyone should sleep good tonight.
Sharkaros Wildlife Ranch
We ate lunch at the park in a pavilion and went on both tours they offered. One was a barrel train ride, the other a safari wagon. The safari ride was great because the wagon had feed buckets at the corners and the camels, as well as other animals, would come up to feed and you could pet them. I remember thinking to myself that I had a vest in grade school that felt like one of them, but I think it was probably fake.
Madison really liked sitting with one of the older gentlemen and petting a lemur. The Lemur was very friendly and had the cutest little padded hands that make them seem like they are wearing gloves. We also got to see a baby albino joey. Too young for us to touch or hold.
Collin like the animals, but also spent a fair amount of time playing with the rocks and dirt. Boys will be boys. Caden liked all the animals, but played most with the dogs that were hanging around the pavilion.
This last picture is of Madison, Collin, and a couple of monkeys, err, I mean knights :)
Friday, November 2, 2007
The kids had a great time trick or treating. Caden mostly walked with us and didn't venture up to the doors, but he sure enjoyed the spoils that Madison and Collin shared. As usual, we started out with a group of neighbors. By the time it was over, however, we had met up with our friends Scott and Jennifer near their house, and couldn't have been farther from our house and still be considered in Northridge.
Surprisingly, the kids have not been begging for candy all day. They are actually being reasonable about their candy intake, or at least while I am home.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
The Blue Angels
This afternoon we went to see the Blue Angels with Mike, Holeigh, and their family. I was worried that the kids would get bored and tired, but it turned out to be a good day. It was pretty warm, but a strong wind kept us from getting too hot. There were several short meltdowns, but nothing serious. Well, OK, dinner at Cracker Barrell after the show was pretty rough on me (and some of the other guests).
Caden got scared really good the first time a plane screamed overhead on a low fly-by, but he never cried. As the afternoon went on he got used to the noise, but seemed more content to hold our hands and sit in our lap than normal. The kids were only moderately interested in the planes, but seemed to have a good time walking around and taking in the sights and sounds and candy.
Going to the airshow brings back memories of growing up at Edwards Air Force Base in California. While my dad was stationed there we went to numerous air shows where we saw the space shuttle, SR-71, B-1, and other unique aircraft up close and personal. This show didn't have any of the planes I just mentioned, but I did get to see a B-52, one of the last planes my dad flew before retiring.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Why I Love My Crocs
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Mr Mom
So far so good.
On the way home from the airport we had to stop at two different fast-food restaurants. Caden wouldn't touch any of the food we got at Taco Bueno, so we had to stop at Chick Filet for some nuggest. That worked out well because we went inside and played in the play area while the horrible traffic subsided. The playground area was overrun with kids going nuts. Big kids were swinging on the outside of the equipment and jumping from the equipment to the couches. He shows no fear, but I soon got worried for Caden's life.
Friday morning we got up at the normal time and got Madison to school with no problem. A quick trip to Walmart followed, and then a stop at the Park. In no time we were eating lunch and Caden was down for a nap. The day was half over. After picking Madison up from school, we rented a few movies so the kids could have a special movie night. But of course they couldn't wait to watch the movies so we had movie afternoon. Madison camped out on the computer watching hers, and Collin watched his from the couch. As is typical we played outside after dinner with several of the neighborhood kids.
Madison rented Sky Dancers, so all night and this morning she has been putting on her little wings, fixing a cape for Collin, and they run around dancing and pretending to be super heroes. I overheard them picking out super powers. I think one of them can make thunderstorms. I'm not sure about the other.
It's now Saturday morning and we are about to get ready and go to the mall...
Sunday, September 16, 2007
About My Work
Watermark Church is a rapidly growing church here in Dallas. They have been meeting in a High School for a number of years. They bought an office tower a couple of years ago and began renovating it floor by floor. Recently they opened their first auditorium that seats 2400. It is a temporary auditorium that will serve them for several years while they work on a 3400 seat sanctuary.
Our first work was to help them with the auditorium design. The architects had outlined a rough footprint, and we developed the core room concept. Following was one of our initial renderings.

As the design progressed, we helped the design team with 3D coordination of the mechanical ductworks, technical elements, structure, and the ceiling. The ceiling is often the trickiest part of a sanctuary that has a lot of technology because there are so many items that are fighting for space. This was one of our renderings (without the ceiling).

We worked with the design team on the acoustics of the space, and assisted the church and the AV Contractor with technical systems.
Near the end of the project, they hired us to help them develop what the stage might look like if they added some scenic elements. Unfortunately this work started too late in the process and won't be implemented, but the images are great.

Finally, a picture from their opening service.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Labor Day Weekend
Saturday evening Kerry took Madison and Collin to play put-put with some friends from the neighborhood. Collin got a hole in one. They also went to the batting cages, but no-one had any luck. This was probably due to the fact that they were in one of the baseball cages. Kerry thought it would be easier/better since the balls are smaller. Wouldn't want the kids to get hurt by one of the bigger, slower moving softballs.
On Sunday we went to Church like normal. That afternoon we had Mike, Holleigh, Louis, Kristy, and all the kids over. We setup an inflatable waterslide in the backyard. The kids had a ball. Caden couldn't climb up the slide, so I had to fling him down the length of the slide. He loved it.
I grilled out fajitas and we all ate ice cream cake.
On Monday we went to an aquatic park. They had several pools, a large slide, a small slide, and a bunch of stuff to climb on, spray, and get wet with. Madison and Collin both loved the big waterslide, which was kind of scary since it was completely enclosed (ie dark). Madison jumped off the diving board for the first time. We stayed until the kids were played out.
Then back to work...
Happy Birthday to Me
My parents came down Friday and Saturday for my birthday. Mom made my favorite cake - carrot cake. On Sunday we had friends over to celebrate. We finished the carrot cake just in time to dive into the ice cream cake (mint chocolate chip).
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Madison's First Day at Kindergarten
Madison's first day went off without a hitch. She had a good time playing and learning. She is already anxious to start buying her lunch. The school has a system (used by a lot of school districts) that allows us to add $$ to her account so she can purchase food. We can get reports including on account activity, possibly even what she eats. There is a way to set restrictions on spending, but I think she will be OK.
Madison also had another first today - she lost her first tooth. The tooth fairy will be visiting tonight!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Back to School (For the First Time)
Tomorrow school starts for real. Drop off at 7:45 and pick-up at 3:00. She seems excited about starting school and doesn't appear nervous. Kerry and I will probably take turns dropping her off since she needs to be dropped off right when I usually leave for work. I'm sure the first day will be kind of sad.
And we also have boys knocking on our door asking if Madison can come out to play...
Where oh where has our little girl gone.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
The Trip Home
I left India at 2:00 in the morning on Tuesday morning. The airport was packed at this time. I learned that most international flights left at this time, which means you land first thing in the morning if you are heading back towards Europe.
The first leg of my flight was on British Airways. The business class section had the lie-flat seats that alternate, so I was actually facing the rear. This first leg, from Delhi to London Heathrow, was 10 hours. I managed to get about 5-6 hours of sleep total.
We landed at Heathrow, and I quickly went through immigrations, customs, and met a driver outside to take me to Gatwick Airport for the next leg of my flight. I was a bit nervous because I had a relatively short turnaround between trips, but we had arrived a little early and traffic wasn't as bad as I had been led to believe.
After checking in and going through security, I headed straight for Starbucks. I had been drinking tea the entire trip, so this was a real treat.
The second leg of the trip, from Gatwick to Dallas, was another 10 hours. I watched a couple of movies :The Flying Scottsman & In the Land of Women. The Flying Scottsman is about Graem Obree, an amateur cyclist who breaks the world 1 hour record using a bike that he made. He helped revolutionize the geometry of bicycles. I missed that last part of The Flying Scottsman because they had to reboot the video server system.
The rest of the trip home was uneventful. Kerry and the kids met me at the airport - I was glad to finally be home with the family.
Language Barriers
Every morning the cook fixes us the same thing for breakfast - scrambled eggs and toast. Well the other day he asked if I wanted french toast, and I said fine. So he fixed me scrambled eggs, regular toast, AND french toast. He must of thought we really liked our toast.
So this morning I told him that I wanted scrambled eggs and regular toast. I even pointed to what Andy was eating to ensure there was no gap in communication. But I still got scrambled eggs AND french toast. I couldn't keep a straight face at the breakfast table that morning, and Andy kept laughing as well. Keith mentioned they had been having problems communicating effectively with the cook (Manosh), and that he seemed to be having problems understanding what they wanted. I suggested that he might understand perfectly well but was having a bit of fun at our expense.
Day 7 - Sunday
Ahhh, a day of rest. I woke up around 7:30 but was able to stay in bed until around 9:00. I am feeling much better today, the antibiotics seem to have worked well. Yesterday I was feeling a bit weak and drained, but after dinner last night and a decent breakfast my strength has returned.
I don't have any plans for today, I suspect I will sit around the flat, watch a movie or two, and catch up on some work. The TV has cable, and I get a lot of channels. About 50% - 60% are Indian, but the English channels include a couple of movie channels (HBO with commercials during the film), sports channels, basic cable channels like Nikelodian and the Discovery Channel, and of course news channels.
Keith and Andy love to watch crickett. Last night I got an education on how the game is played. The basic premise is pretty straightforward, but there are a lot of rules. The Indians in the flat like to watch some of the american shows like Wrestling (we saw a match that included Hulk Hogan and Mr T from the 80s), Power Rangers, and of course crickcett.
Today I learned about the secret room in my apartment. There is a guy who takes care of my apartment, which is pretty easy since I am hardly there and don't make a mess. I rarely see him in my place, even this weekend. He is usually upstairs with the other help. Well I always thought he slept upstairs as well, but Keith thought he slept at my place. I didn't think he did since I never saw him. At Keith and Andy's place, they have a room right off of the entry that the housekeeper and cook use. But I didn't have that room - or at least so I thought. Although there is no door from the inside, the room is there and is accessed from outside of the apartment.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Misc Pictures
India - Day 6 (Saturday)
Saturday we left the flat about 30 minutes later than normal and worked until 2:30. It was a bit of a rough day because my digestive system finally decided to revolt. Everything I ate went right through me in no time. After a morning fooling around with Pepto and Immodium AD, I finally broke out the Antibiotics this afternoon and took serious action. By the time I went to bed I could tell I was getting better.
After work I had my driver take me across the street to do a little grocery shopping. I wanted to get some coke and a few snacks to help me through the weekend. I've avoided buying too much stuff since I am only here for a short time.
What I really need to do is go to a shopping center and stock up on movies - I suspect I can get DVD's for pretty cheap.
Day 5 - Friday
On Fridays Keith and Andy typically go to the Australian High Commission, which is a simply bar just outside of the Australian embassy. They invited Friedrich and I to join them tonight.
I had a bit of a scare just before leaving work today. Keith and Andy had a meeting at another location, so Friedrich and I were going to share a car. I was told that the director of the project wanted to get a status update from several of us working for Jacobs Consulting, and that the meeting would happen around 4:00. Friedrich and I had decided to leave around 6:30 or 7:00.
Well our meeting didn't start until 6:00 and we didn't get out until 7:00. I immediately went downstairs and Friedrich was not in his office. I also didn't see his computer or any other personal belongings (later I found out his briefcase was stashed just inside the door). I didn't think too much about this until I had made a loop around both floors of the building and couldn't find him. I thought for sure I had been left. It was only after going back up to my office to gather my things and figure out what to do that I noticed he was in meeting with someone and they had the door closed. Crisis averted.
Traffic was bad going to the embassy, and we arrived later than we both had hoped since it closes at 11:00. In the pictures you can see what it looks like. This shot seems to be the best one of the group. The group is, from left to right: Gerry, Glenda, Andy, Andrew, and Keith (taking the shot). I had not met Gerry, Glenda, or Andrew up until tonight, but everyone was very nice and we had a good time playing pool and arguing over the rules. Evidently the rules for 8 ball are slightly different in England, Germany, and the US. Before every shot it seemed we were asking for clarifications to make sure someone didn't protest the shot.
We left at closing time and waded through heavy traffic. Again I rode with Friedrich, who is very nice and has a tendancy to talk a lot. I could barely keep my eyes open since I was still suffering from a lack of sleep and a couple of drinks. (The next day Andy asked me if I had fallen asleep listening to Friedrich talk. He had no idea how right he was).