Thursday, May 31, 2007

Kids and Glasses

The Rose kids love their glasses and goggles. Here are a few pictures of Caden from yesterday, and an old one of Madison. I'm sure I have one of Collin somewhere, but I can't seem to find it.

For her birthday Madison got a gameboy. The games are hard for her to play, but even more so for Collin. He got a Mario racing game. I watched him play today and was suprised at how well he did. A few days ago he didn't seem to know what he was doing. Now he is steering in the right direction and able to stay on the course for a very (and I do mean very) short period of time. Still a big step forward. These kids never cease to amaze me at how quickly they can catch on to things.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend

Went to Oklahoma to spend Memorial Day Weekend, or at least part of it, with my family. Saturday morning we went down to Bricktown. Bricktown has sure changed since we moved away. When we left they had just finished the ballpark and there were a few restaurants in the area. Now there are dozons of restaurants, a movie theater, and some shops.

We decided to take the 45 minute canal tour. Collin and Caden immediately decided this wasn't near as much fun as the Jungle Cruise at Disneyland, so they wanted off. That made the rest of the ride a lot of fun - and forced us at one point to have our guide pull the boat to a stop on the side so Kerry could get up and get the kids something to eat and occupy their time.

I'll post a few pictures as soon as my dad e-mails them to me (hint hint).

The rest of the weekend was uneventful. It was great seeing and spending time with the family.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Madison's Birthday

Happy Birthday Madison!

Madison turned 5 this year. She is growing up to be a beautiful girl. One of the ladies at work asked me today if I was worried about her becoming a beautiful teenager - she was looking at a picture of Madison that made her look several years older when she said this.

We had her birthday party at our local pool. It was a cold 78 degrees. I was the only parent to brave the water and play with the kids. Of course there was only one other guy at the party - the rest were moms. So they didn't want to get in the pool. Most of the kids did OK. Collin had to go home and change into warmer clothes the first time he got out. Madison stayed in the most of the time and didn't complain about being cold until she got out for her cake. By that time here lips were blue.


Madison graduated from preschool this past week. Thats her and her friend Zack. She is excited about starting kindergarten, but I know she will be nervous. Enjoy your summer Madison - You've earned it.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Just Chillin...

while Dad, Madison & Collin wash the car.

- Little Man Caden

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Ballet Recital

Madison has been taking Ballet lessons for the past few months. Last weekend we had her first recital, and the dance company went all out. The kids have beautiful and cute costumes. It was at our local high school in their auditorium complete with lights and music on a real stage.

Madison did great. She knew the steps and didn't appear at all nervous or scared.

Mom and Dad drove down from Oklahoma to spend the weekend and watch the kids during the recital. This was a big help and we really appreciated it. They went to the rehearsal on Friday and got to see Madison practice.