Monday, November 19, 2007

Christmas Came Early

Well, you can't really blame Caden. This is only his second holiday season and he doesn't quite have the hang of it yet.

Tonight we went through our usual routine. Caden got in the bath. Collin got in the bath. Madison got in the shower. Madison got out of the shower. Collin decided to move from the bath to the shower. Caden got lonely, so he moved from the bath to the shower. Collin got out of the shower. Caden really likes playing in the shower and didn't want to get out. I tried several times, but he just didn't want to get out. So I let him stay in.

I went to get Caden a diaper. Kerry was upstairs getting pajamas. I walked into the bathroom and there it was. Caden had left us a stinky little present on the bathmat. And on the floor. And on the bottom of his foot.

Back in the bath went Caden. Out came the resolve.

Caden's pretty sharp though. He had this look to him like he tried to tell us he needed to go, and was ashamed of going on the floor, but couldn't hold it in any longer. He watches Madison and Collin go potty, and just recently has started trying to lift the lid up like he wants to go himself. We may be pretty close. Stay tuned for more updates.

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