Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Update

December has finally slowed down to a reasonable pace so I can catch up on stuff around the house, including organizing pictures. Here is a sampling from Christmas this year. We spent a few days in Oklahoma and had a great time with my family. It really flew by. The kids opened presents on Sunday due to family schedules, so they had a lot to play with while we were there. My niece Paris also spent the entire time with us, and she really helped out.

We came back to Frisco Christmas Eve and went to the candlelight service at our Church. It was very nice and I hope we can make this a tradition. This year was the first in a long time that we didn't fly back to California on Christmas day. It was nice to spend the entire morning playing with the kids. In years past we have been out the door by 8:00 on Christmas morning.

Playing with the kids

Opening presents at my parents house

Dinner with Mom and the kids.

Christmas Eve with milk and cookies for Santa

Kerry's mom, sister, and niece are here now and it's keeping the kids busy, especially Madison. They will be here til New Year's Eve, then things will settle down again.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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