Thursday, July 24, 2008

the annual kids pic

Here is the annual picture of the cousins. This is the best one yet.

A Day at the Beach

You would think a day at the beach in California, end of July, would be about as good as it gets. But you would be wrong. While we did have fun, our plans of spending the afternoon at the beach playing in the sun and sand, swimming, building sand castles, eating dinner, then staying til dark and roasting marshmallows to make smores were cut short by the weather.

It was a cool 72 degrees, with an even colder wind. And the wind was strong, as you can see from the picture above. While all the kids played in the waves for a few minutes, only Madison and her cousin Jake could brave them for any length of time. The water was cold (until your legs went numb, then it was fine). They spent most of the time holding my hands so they didn't get sucked out to see. Collin got knocked down once when he wasn't holding on. He wasn't facing me and didn't realize the wave was pulling him right back towards me where I stopped him - Kerry said his face showed his surprise and fear.

The kids never really got into playing in the sand. Caden liked knocking down the sand castles, and he was a lot faster at it than Collin was at building them. So we called our afternoon short after about 2 hours, and went back to Kerry's sister Lisa's house for dinner and making smores in the backyard over a fire pit. This wound up working out for the better in the long run.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Vacation in California

It's Saturday and we are relaxing in California.

The trip here was the easiest trip with the three kids to date. On the plane, Madison and Collin sat on one side of the aisle and watched movies. They sat next to a nice woman who spoke with them some. Kerry and I sat on the other side with Caden. We had planned the flight out for noon, when Caden should be tired and ready for a nap. Well, he fell asleep 5 minutes before we landed, and only then because he had shut the window cover on his fingers and started to cry, so I was able to hold him for a while.

The kids are already picking back up their favorite activities - riding the scateboards (sitting), riding their bikes, and playing with blocks.

Madison posing.
Collin has become quite the builder.

Caden's funny face.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

trip to the doctor

We didn't really know what to expect when we took Madison to see the doctor yesterday. From the look of the x-ray, Kerry and I just knew that something needed to be done. In the back of my mind I was expecting them to say that they didn't need to do surgery but that they would need to manipulate the bones back in place.

So we were very surprised when the doctor said she was fine and that the broken collarbone would heal on its own of the course of 6-10 weeks. We didn't need to do anything. No surgery. No manipulation. No brace. Just the simple sling she has been wearing. And take it easy on the shoulder.

Kerry and I are relieved. Madison is relieved and doing well. Last night was the first night since the accident that she slept in her bed instead of on the couch. Which means we all slept better.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Update on Madison

In true girl fashion, Madison has been getting new clothes out of this whole ordeal...

She is doing better than I would have expected. She appears to be in little pain, although I'm sure it aches pretty good. She hates taking medicine, but will take it before bed and has slept well the last two nights on the couch downstairs. We were able to go to some friends yesterday and watch fireworks, and she had a good time sitting at the edge of the pool, watching Barbie on their big TV, and playing with sparklers.

As for the clothes, well she needs some outfits that she can wear without having to put her arm through a sleeve. So Kerry has found her several new shirts and summer dresses that only have a strap over the neck. And she loves summer dresses.

So this weekend is turning out better than I had feared. And tomorrow my parents are coming down for a few days to help. It's great having family close by.

Last Sunday Madison wrote me a note that said she loved me and was glad that I made enough money so mommy could stay home with her and her brothers. I love my daughter.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Madisons Broken Collarbone

It has been a rough summer on the kids. Its only been 3 weeks since Collin got stitches in his chin, and now Madison has fallen and broken her collarbone.

It happened yesterday just before Kerry left to meet me at work for the fireworks in Addison. Madison fell while playing next to the treadmill. Kerry said she cried for 40 minutes. But there was no significant swelling or bruising, so Kerry brought her down to my work. While there, Madison got worse and around 7:30, after re-hurting it her left shoulder was drooping several inches lower than her right. That's when we knew she needed attention.

Kerry took her to a local CareNow while I stayed at work to watch the fireworks with Collin and Caden. If you don't know much about Addison or Kaboomtown, it is a huge fireworks festival and the city almost shuts down. The roads are horrible, and it took them FOR-EVER to get to the clinic. You can see from the X-Ray there is no doubt it is broken. But they couldn't do much for her except put her arm in a sling and give her some narcotics. She needed attention by an orthopedic specialist to set the collarbone back in place (under heavy sedation).

Kerry left the clinic and it took her FOR-EVER to drive back 2 miles or so to my work. She couldn't even get onto our sidestreet because of barricades and traffic cones. I walked down to the end of the street to pick up car seats for the kids. Kerry headed off to an emergency center hoping they could do more, while I hitched a ride home with a co-worker.

But it was all for naught. They didn't have anyone who could help. And with the Fourth of July weekend upon us, I think we are stuck waiting til Monday. I've tried calling several Hospitals / Emergency Rooms, and unless we can't control the pain or something else significant happens there is not much they can do.

Madison is doing OK, and seems to be in only modest pain unless the arm/shoulder is moved. Hopefully we can get her in early on Monday, but I'm not too optimistic.