In keeping with my goal of riding more this year, and since we had been on vacation for two weekends, I decided to ride today. Yes I went in the middle of the afternoon. Yes it was about 106 deg outside. And I paid for it.
It started with my eyes. For those of you who ride off road you know how your eyes can start to lose focus due to the constant jarring and you have to concentrate on keeping focus? Well that started earlier than normal and happened a number of times today. And the constant rush of warm air was burning my eyes (I didn't wear sunglasses because I don't like the contrast between the wide open bright spaces and the shadows in the trees unless I have yellow or clear lenses, which I don't. Sunglasses also make your face hot).
Then my arms started to get tired from the constant jarring. And it was so hot I didn't feel like I was sweating because it evaporated off immediately. I did drink a lot, approximately half of a 100oz camel back.
The roots were giving me a lot of problems today. The trail has a lot of roots, and you have to hit them perpendicular or they have a tendency to twist your wheel. I found myself on several occasions in a very awkward position, with one foot clipped in, one foot still clipped to the pedal, and hopping down the trail trying not fall over. But I managed to stay upright the whole time, which was better than my last ride when I went tumbling backwards down a hill when I couldn't get unclipped fast enough.
My legs felt pretty good the whole time, but the heat forced me to cut the ride short and take the road back to the car for fear of completely bonking.
A 32 oz Gatorade and candy bar brought me back to life.